Tag Archives: justice

Move Your Bones

Part 2 of the Halloween mixtape is a dancier edition….

Move Your Bones

1. Alkaline Trio – Halloween
2. Michael Jackson – Thriller (LLR remix)
3. Justice – Stress
4. Mr Oizo – Pourriture X
5. Felix Cartal – Skeleton
6. Gerruz – Vendetta
7. Figure – The Phantom
8. Mimosa/Nina Simone – I Put A Spell On You
9. Halloween Theme (Chrispy dub)
10. Emalkay – Mecha
11. Gorillaz – Hip Albatross
12. Memory Tapes – Pretend The Devil Isn’t Real

MP3: Someone’s In The Wolf – Move Your Bones

As i mentioned previously i made a 5 hour Halloween playlist for my friend Morgan who is studying in America just now. She had her dorm party last night, i hope it went well.

Here’s some of the tracks i used in it…

S.I.T Wolf X

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Filed under the weekend mixtape

THE MONDAY LIST #23: The Revenge of The Phantom

The countdown to Halloween begins….

I’ve noticed in my “Stats” department recently that the key search word used on Google, by people who stumble across this blog unintentionally, during the last week or so has been “phantom”. I think it’s because the picture i used in this Halloween post last year is one of the first to pop up in the Google image search engine. Anyway it’s time to bring back the Phantom in the form of his very own Monday List.

“I Am Your Angel Of Music……”


1. The Shins – Phantom Limb
2. Justice – Phantom
3. The Phantom Band – The Howling
4. Jookabox – Don’t Go Phantom
5. Jookabox – Phantom Don’t Go
6. Tori Amos – Happy Phantom (Live)
7. The Phantoms Revenge – I Heard You Were Dead
8. Phantom – Voodoo Romantic
9. Rob Zombie – Return Of The Phantom Stranger
10. Phantom Planet – California

And of course there’s the usual Bonus Tracks.

There’s the original version…

MP3: Andrew Lloyd Webber – Phantom of the Opera

Then there’s a sampled/remixed/dancier version….

MP3: Figure – The Phantom

And lastly there’s the misspelled one but an amazing band and song nonetheless…

MP3: Fantomas – Rosemary’s Baby

Although i’ve included them in The List i love this video so it’s worth putting it up too. They remind me a bit of Cocteau Twins.

S.I.T Wolf  X

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Filed under the monday list

Idle Days In Summertime

Today i gave my heart away.

I fell back in love with being lazy. I supposed it was only a matter of time before we reconciled and what better time than the summer.

I spent the whole of this afternoon lying in the park with a farmers daughter (*) and some friends listening to some brilliant albums (on what was the best plug in and play speakers i’ve heard so far) and talking about general nonsense. It was an idyllic afternoon by anyone’s standards but one that was especially nice for me. I’ve been needing a day like today for ages.

I had two options when i woke this morning. Go through to Luss for a day out with Morgan and her family/friends or go to the La Fete De La Musique in the west ends Ashton Lane. The annual Glasgow West End festival kicked off on the 7 June and i’ve been lucky enough to take in a few bits of it so far and to be honest the music festival did sound appealing but i declined both in favour of lying on the grass and cloud watching. Luckily i convinced Simon and his on/off partner to join me in lazing around all afternoon, well at least until 7pm. That’s when they went along to Ashton Lane to join in the festivities. To be fair Simon does know a few of the DJs playing it so it’s understandable that he should go along. Me? I lay in the park for another half hour before the munchies kicked in and i made my way through the gardens and back to the flat. The sun was still splitting the trees. I love summer.

When i got back i made some pancakes and smothered them in nutella then polished off the bitesize jammy dodgers i bought on the way home.

As for now? Well i’m doing this post, gonna roll a few more smokes then i need to decide whether or not i should go to a party tonight. I’ve been invited to a house party that is literally 5 minutes round the corner from me. But i only know 3 people out of the apparent 77 who are going so i’ll either need to get really drunk and chatty or just do the usual and sit silently and get stoned and secretly plug my iPod into the sound system in without anyone knowing. Also according to Simon i’ll need to make an effort and dress nice as there will be plenty of “talent” there. Eh, no thanks man, i’ll stick to the tramp look. The world’s an ugly place so let’s keep it that way.

Here’s some tunes that we listened to in the park this afternoon….

MP3: Japandroids – Younger Us

MP3: Incubus – Are You In

MP3: DJ Shadow – Giving Up The Ghost

MP3: Jamie Lidell – Completely Exposed

MP3: Maelstrom – I Long To Be Free

MP3: Foals – Spanish Sahara (BangaTang Remix)

MP3: The National – Bitters & Absolut

Of all the things we had a stoned talk about in the park today there was one strange subject that kept everybody amused….Google. Google and the hours of endless fun it can give you. I don’t mean the fun that you can have by browsing endlessly all day. No, i mean the amount of  “Google Games” that everyone can play.


A) Google your name and the word “needs” [i.e. JOHN needs]
B) Click search
C) Record the first 10 results

According to Google i need….

1. John needs 13 bottles of water from the store.

2. John needs father.

3. John needs charisma.

4. John needs a better wig.

5. John needs a better online ingredient.

6. John needs to tone down that profile.

7.  John needs our help!

8. John needs to get his patootie back here.

9. John needs a job.

10. John needs an acoustic guitar.

Another game, which is one of my favourites is “Question Google”. Type in “why”, “what”, “when” or “who” then follow that with a “are” or “is” and any letter  and be bewildered/amused by the amount of unbelievably strange suggestions that get fired at you.


are Michael Jacksons kid white
are British people so ugly
are Americans so stupid
are adverts louder than programmes (i SO agree!)
are Jamaicans so fast
are Qwerty keyboards in that order
are men attracted to breasts
are Jews so successful
are x’s kisses
is there a dead pakistani on my couch
is belly button fluff blue (Whaaaaa? Who asked this? Someone from fucking Avatar?)
is Google racist

and last but not least, my personal favourite.

Why is water wet?

Well enough of this hazey tomfoolery. I’m off to listen to some Kyuss and make a decision on this party. On one hand it’ll be good to get out and meet new people but on the other hand i’m loving lounging in these combats and over sized tshirts with some weed and cans of Tennents. I’m scared that if i do go to this party it might be shite and ruin an erstwhile pretty glorious day. Yet again it might be the perfect ending to it. I’ll report in the morning.

S.I.T Wolf   X

(*) Farmers daughter = a quarter of weed. Si enjoys making up slang. That’s one of his better ones.


Filed under aye choons


ViciousCounterPopErosion is the first mixtape i made. It contains remixes and edits of songs that i’ve done and also some of my favourite songs that i’ve maybe just tweaked a little by adding a beat , dub, sample, loop or a break and so on.

The mix also contains some out-takes from some of my favourite films (i’ll let you see if you can spot them yourself) and part of a Barack Obama speech (i thought it fitted nicely between two certain songs/themes).

ViciousCounterPopErosion is pretty heavy/loud/fast paced the whole way through so at the end i thought i’d stop the noise dead in its tracks and bring the level down a notch or two with one of my favourite new bands The Temper Trap. Very different from the rest of the mix, some might say too different but i thought it was the ideal way to finish the last 4 minutes.

I recorded and mixed the collection all in one go, it lasts about 1 hour 18 mins (short enough to fit on to a standard CD), all the songs meld into each other. Unfortunately i don’t have the software or know how to make the file into a ZIPfile/folder. Sorry. Just means you’ll have to listen to the mix the whole way through!….or skip it to a certain song, i suppose. Up to yourself.

MP3: ViciousCounterPopErosion (Mixtape)

To download: right click and save target as
To just listen: click once and file will open on its own page, then hover over and play using the flash player, allow the file a few seconds to load. Don’t be impatient!

ViciousCounterPopErosion Tracklisting

1. Death From Above 1979 – Romantic Rights (Someoone’s In The Wolf Remix)
2. The Faint – The Geeks Were Right (Someone’s In The Wolf Edit)
3. The Gorecki/O.Vision – Wrists (Someone’s In The Wolf Extended Remix Version)
4. Shy Child – Drop The Phone
5. Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit/Alavi Version (Someone’s In The Wolf Remix)
6. Primal Scream – Miss Lucifer (Someone’s In The Wolf Short Edit)
7. The Presets (Someone’s In The Wolf Remix)
8. Justice – Waters Of Nazareth (Someone’s In The Wolf Short Edit)
9. PNAU – Wild Strawberries
10. Does It Offend You, Yeah – We Are Rockstars (Someone’s In The Wolf Edit)
11. The Illuminoids – Le Disko vs Get It On
12. We Are Wolves – Fight And Kiss
13. The Faint – Dropkick The Punks (Someone’s In The Wolf Remix)
14. Heads We Dance – The Human Touch (Someone’s In The Wolf Edit)
15. Shiny Toy Guns – Ricochet (Someone’s In The Wolf Edit)
16. Tears For Fear vs DMX – Shout Who We Be
17. Barack Obama Speech
18. Frontline Assembly – Beneath The Rubble (Someone’s In The Wolf Remix)
19. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition

Mp3’s usually only stay on WordPress blogs for around 4 months or so. So if you find that if at any time you can’t download the mixtape directly from this page then go to http://www.mediafire.com/?1fyyanxepyh and you’ll be able to download for free at anytime.

ViciousCounterPopErosion Artwork/Cover:

ViciousCounterPopErosion (Someone's In The Wolf)

S.I.T Wolf x

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Filed under the weekend mixtape